TID - The Network for Design Lovers
Italiano Inglese Russo
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Interpretation and communication: this is A4Adesign's philosophy, searching for evocative dreamlike forms to create impressive installations that move both adults and children.
The recurring unusual element is honeycomb cardboard: every piece of the studio is made out of it, which represents the main focus of the involved architects, aiming to offer an alternative way to employ cardboard to demonstrate its versatility.

One of the most successful examples is Tell Me What You See. Variations On A Theme, staged within a temporary showroom on the occasion of the last Fuorisalone. The project involved several touching installations, some of which referring to Milan, particularly to the architecture style of the city during the Thirties. Beside that, there were other evocative elements such as multifaceted diamonds, to offer a new space perception through big and small pieces. In this way, the studio showed the value of honeycomb cardboard, characterized by many qualities such as lightness, and versatility, the ideal material to produce stunning eco-friendly creation.

A green idea based on recycling, to add a ecological touch to spectacularity.

INFO: www.a4adesign.it

Photo Courtesy: Francesco Gusella

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