TID - The Network for Design Lovers
Italiano Inglese Russo
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Den Loft is a 47 square meters place designed by Nordes studio, from Russia, to suit the life of a single young man. The concept of the place is all about partying and travelling, with an extremely open space to have guests at anytime, creating a sense of freedom of movement.

Bending handleless furniture guarantees less space-obstruction, with a sliding essential kitchen to be used occasionally. Even the sofa is a bending piece, with vintage-style leather cladding, combined to a british-style table and a plasma tv. A shelter where to hang out with friends enriched by in view bricks and beams, and metal chairs. A space with a bold industrial feel to create the ultimate manly loft, with steel pipes and rough materials.

INFO: nordes.by

PHOTO: Courtesy Nordes Design Studio

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